There are some who don't need an excuse to skip a day's work - but this could be a good reason to quit your job altogether. A badly-paid or temporary job can be as bad for a person's mental health as none at all, researchers claim. Little job security, demanding work and poor managers can all impact on a person's well-being just as much as unemployment. Stress: Being unhappy at work can be worse for mental health than having no job at all, researchers claim (file picture) . x1 Q. T: x, J7 t
7 F3 G0 I6 H- D5 y1 n, I8 U In fact, people who are unemployed can feel better-off mentally than those who are in poor jobs of low 'psychosocial quality', the report added. Researchers said government policies tend to focus on job seekers when they should also take into account the quality of a person's job. Writing in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine, a team at the Australian National University in Canberra, said: 'This study has shown that work of poor psychosocial quality, characterised by low job control, high job demands and complexity, job insecurity and the perception of unfair pay, does not bestow the same mental health benefits as employment in jobs with high psychosocial quality. - G$ A& r! k1 R" N" |* E* x0 X
: d! V9 k9 L3 v7 L6 U/ @5 ] 'In fact, we found that moving from unemployment to a job with poor psychosocial quality was associated with a significant decline in mental health relative to remaining unemployed. 'This suggests that psychosocial job quality is a pivotal factor that needs to be considered in the design and delivery of employment and welfare policy.' Studies have long found that people in work enjoy better mental health than those who are unemployed. But fewer studies have examined how people feel about their jobs when they are in employment. ! ?$ N* Y+ G- D
在实验中研究人员发现,一个人从失业状态到从业状态的心理变化对自身的健康有着巨大的影响,不单单要考虑到自己能不能胜任这份工作,还要考虑到“工作上的心理安全感”,这点是至关重要的。特别是对于相关就业政策给于的倾向方面,对于“工作中心理方面的建设”摆在了桌面上,需要被重视,而且情况迫在眉睫,工作中的健康问题不容忽视,做一份悲催的工作还不如好好待家做个失业的人呢,科学家说了,这样寿命会更长一些啊。 |