1.How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?9 L4 s" s& i. ?, K. ~
如果你现在不知道你自己多大,你觉得你应该是多大?8 `& A" B9 X* h. G) e7 c
2. Do you ask enough questions or do you settle what you know?' J+ Z2 r# z3 V
4 E6 [6 W: M2 T6 U8 E( i3 b3 What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?
/ _4 P/ o& h' r 当你知道这件事情没有任何人对你品头论足的时候,你是不是还会用同样的方法去做它呢?1 }, H7 O* G( [" w
4.If not now, then when?/ d H) B3 D I t
- `* U# |7 p8 p6 {3 t+ V+ J5. when it’s all said and done, will you have said more than have done? 9 _% p- H+ _$ @' E$ W
在一切尘埃落定之后,你是觉得你说的多呢还是做的多呢?. {) H7 X6 v a% U
6. who do you love and what are you doing about it?9 W* |' m) R& y1 E
你喜欢的人是谁,你为他们做过些什么? |