Find some chat in English
Is there some one want to improve English? we can study together. what 's your major? Good good study, Day day up!!!come to my board
wanna practice english? come on If you wanna improve ur english.I introduce a chatting software to all of uthat is " UC" . u may search it in Google then download it . can you tell me, your qq numbeer i'm sorry but i'not good at english,i want to improve my engliah,who can help me? i had join etc4 once at june ,i feit sad that i fail.i will to join ti once more,so i come here look for help. i'm sorry but i'not good at english,i want to improve my engliah,who can help me? i had join etc4 once at june ,i feit sad that i fail.i will to join ti once more,so i come here look for help. come on~
everybody is here with u,please join us!
[ 本帖最后由 烟雨未落 于 2008-8-23 13:53 编辑 ] 英语四级的选词填空该怎么做好啊 我每次做都只对1 2个的 我的快郁闷死了······求救 open your mouth! It 's tne most important...