小鱼头 发表于 2007-9-12 02:22:00


<br/><br/><div class="t_msgfont" id="message21389867"><object height="64" width="260" classid="CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6"><param value="http://music.cnool.net/user/3029/s20077211736.mp3" name="URL"/><param value="1" name="rate"/><param value="0" name="balance"/><param value="22.6044944" name="currentPosition"/><param value="" name="defaultFrame"/><param value="1" name="playCount"/><param value="0" name="autoStart"/><param value="0" name="currentMarker"/><param value="-1" name="invokeURLs"/><param value="" name="baseURL"/><param value="50" name="volume"/><param value="0" name="mute"/><param value="full" name="uiMode"/><param value="0" name="stretchToFit"/><param value="0" name="windowlessVideo"/><param value="-1" name="enabled"/><param value="-1" name="enableContextMenu"/><param value="0" name="fullScreen"/><param value="" name="SAMIStyle"/><param value="" name="SAMILang"/><param value="" name="SAMIFilename"/><param value="" name="captioningID"/><param value="0" name="enableErrorDialogs"/><param value="6879" name="_cx"/><param value="1693" name="_cy"/></object><br/><br/><br/><img alt="" src="http://www.91now.com/down/upload/2007-9-11/23/200791123511691157.jpg" border="0"/><br/><br/>偶然听到的一首歌曲,感觉挺清新的。开始的伴奏有点电子音乐的味道,节奏慢摇,让你的身体欲罢不能。后面的高潮部分大家就很熟悉了,花儿重新编曲翻唱的《我们能不能不分手》<br/>歌手简介:只有17岁的samantha mumba (史蔓德曼巴) 来自爱尔兰。引起乐迷注意绝非其国籍或是其肤色而是这小女生是首位带来r&amp;b曲目的爱尔兰籍歌手。虽然浑厚纯熟的演唱技巧和其成熟外表与samantha mumb a 的实际年龄并不对衬,但可别小看这位小女生,具演唱实力的她绝对是乐坛另一受瞩目的新星。代表作——Always come back to your love<br/><br/>============================<br/>歌词:Yeah, check it out <br/>What, what, what, what <br/>Uh, you like that? Uh <br/>Come on yeah <br/>Uh, no doubt <br/>Break it <br/><br/>I've been up and down (uh, what) <br/>Been going round and round (uh) <br/>I've been all over town (wha-what,uh) <br/>But I'll never ever find somebody new for sure <br/>(Yes, yes you are, left to right, yes <br/>Yes you are and rock you all night) <br/><br/>Show me where I belong tonight (all night) <br/>Give me a reason to stay <br/>No matter if I go left or right (left to right) <br/>I always come back to your love <br/><br/>I've been high and low (uh) <br/>I don't know where to go (no, baby) <br/>Because I love you so (you like that) <br/>And I'll never ever find someone like you for sure <br/>(Yes, yes you are, left to right, yes <br/>Yes you are and rock you all night) <br/><br/>Show me where I belong tonight (all night) <br/>Give me a reason to stay (I need a reason, yeah) <br/>No matter if I go left or right (left to right) <br/>I always come back to your love <br/>(Back to your love, yeah) <br/>Woah <br/>No matter if I go left or right (left to right) <br/>I always come back to your love (yeah) <br/>Woah <br/><br/>Show me love tonight <br/>I'm going left to right <br/>No matter where I go <br/>I always find your love <br/><br/>Show me where I belong tonight (all night) <br/>Give me a reason to stay <br/>No matter if I go left or right (left to right) <br/>I always come back to your love <br/><br/>Show me where I belong tonight (all night) <br/>Give me a reason to stay <br/>No matter if I go left or right (left to right) <br/>I always come back to your love <br/><br/>(Left to right, you like that?) <br/>Woah <br/>(let's go) <br/>Woah <br/>(Show me) <br/>I always come back to your love</div>

Q7 发表于 2007-9-12 02:25:00


可爱的小白 发表于 2007-9-12 02:34:00


7月25日 发表于 2007-9-12 10:25:00


鞋来鞋往 发表于 2007-9-12 11:43:00


lump 发表于 2007-9-12 13:43:00

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